• Exclusive

  • Safety

  • No odor

  • Easy to use

  • Stress-free

  • Novelty

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Information About the Product

Tacepo device is used to avoid loud sounds during flatulence/farting/parping/cutting/burbing/ trumping/braking wind/shooting a fairy/having wind/getting gaseous/blowing off/making fuzzballs. 

Flatulence can be managed using Tacepo in the same way as in usual life. The control of this process becomes more efficient preventing accidental flatulence in many aspects.

Coming soon!

  • SAFE

    The Tacepo device is safe.
    It is made of special extra strong material allowed for the contact with human mucosa for up to 24 hours.


    Tacepo devices do not fall out when used and do not get deep into the person due to their form and special hands. The device strength exceeds many times the effort that may be applied to it during its use.